The Burger-Matthews home, once vacant, will now house TRANSART INC., an African American heritage organization in the Mid-Hudson Valley offering cultural programs for the region. JIMA Studio led the design of the historic landscape and site modifications for the house to reflect the original character in modern context. Working with Alan Baer Architects, JIMA Studio dove deep into historic and cultural context to establish a planting and materials palette that would resonate with the existing character of the house, its historic glory while connecting with the proposed internal programming. The Queen Anne style house features one dominant gable facing Henry Street, two turrets at one corner of the house, fish-scale cedar shingles, a mansard roof and a porch with intact arch details. There are stained glass windows that have persisted throughout its vacancy of nearly thirty years.
In addition to the landscape, JIMA led the full design of the rear plaza, which serves as an accessible route and parking lot for the building. Working with historic materials of red brick and bluestone, the exterior landscape has offered a new life to this historic gem.