The North End of Detroit is a diverse and historic neighborhood with strong community and arts organizations, varied housing typology distinct from other neighborhoods, and plentiful open space left behind from recent and historic demolitions. JIMA, working with SmithGroup, developed an open space strategy for the neighborhood plan to be utilized and implemented by the City of Detroit. JIMA was responsible for research and design related to open space and cultural place making.
JIMA proposed varied options for open space categorized by adjacent land uses to create a structured yet flexible guide to bring new value to vacant, city owned, land. JIMA also considered opportunities and strategies for reducing the urban heat island effect, supporting existing and future community stewarded open spaces, activating vacant land, filling park gaps and protecting the neighborhood’s distinct cultural identity. After completing a series of Urban Heat analyses, a tree placement plan was proposed to provide the most optimal amount of shade for residents. These recommendations also included a new bus stop design that would provide comfort, shade, and a platform to include public art and local advertisement.
City of Detroit